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Case Study
Adama Global
Strategy, management and delivering returns on social media for a global crop protection company.

TAP has defined strategy and has been managing Adama’s global social media accounts effectively since Autumn 2015.

Strategy, Management and Delivery

Having developed Adama Global’s social media strategy, TAP has continued to offer a comprehensive range of social media services.

Whether developing the digital social media toolkit, drafting guidance, managing day-to-day activities including paid social or advising on crisis management we have genuinely offered a one-stop-shop for all things relating to social media.

In addition we are listening to farmers and the farming community every day of the year, so ensuring optimum relevance.

What makes us different?

Adama has ambitious goals, it wants to make a difference and they want results from the partners it works with. Social media is an important part of the marketing mix and step-changing gains will not happen with mediocre agency support.

So we have created a team with the very best social media expertise globally and combined this with our intrinsic knowledge of farming.

These elements together with our aggressive monitoring of performance and social media evolution ensure that we deliver results.

Successes so far and still going strong

We’ve come a long way but there is still plenty of work to do. Adama Global started with 5,000 fans across all social media channels at the beginning of 2016 and by the end of 2017 we had reached 355,000 fans across all channels.

As well as community growth, engagement rates and engagement with influencers, promoting key conversations is high on our agenda. 

We are happy in the knowledge that all targets against KPIs have been exceeded to date. Despite this, we are never complacent and constantly strive to exceed Adama’s expectations even further.