Digital Communication & Social Media During a Time Of Crisis

Social media use during the current global crisis has seen some incredible peaks in usage, as we use it as our means of contacting family, colleagues and friends, and to keep up to date with what’s going on. It’s also a vital tool in providing some light relief from the news. 

Facebook has reported that in those countries hardest hit by Coronavirus total messaging has increased more than 50% over the last month. Voice and video calling have more than doubled on Messenger and WhatsApp. And in Italy specifically, they’ve seen up to 70% more time spent across their apps since the crisis arrived in the country. Instagram and Facebook Live views doubled in a week. 

Vodafone also reported that internet usage had surged by up to 50% in some European countries as consumers shift to working at home. In these unprecedented times, it is very difficult to know what to do from a marketing perspective.  What elements of your business are ok to promote? You need to generate more business but how can you do that with sensitivity to the situation? 

Firstly, you need to listen & learn from your audience, understand what’s resonating and what’s not.  Step back and consider if your messages/campaigns are right to promote now. When you do share, be careful with your tone. 

Above all, we need to be agile with our communications in these unprecedented times, demonstrated by EatFarmNow (EFN).

efn header lockdown learning

As many of you will know, TAP is a founding partner of EFN, a digital hub putting real food and farming stories from real people in one place. 

With our nation in lockdown and many parents struggling with home working and home teaching, TAP and the EFN team saw an opportunity to assist with #LockdownLearning.  So, we have worked to mobilise a ‘food & farming army’ to provide learning resources for children who are out of school. The initiative has early support from NFU and ADAMA. Please check out the resource and share with anyone who may find it useful:


Many people are also panicking about food availability and so we saw a unique chance, alongside the learning, to reassure people that farmers and the food chain ‘have your back’ and are continuing to produce food.  Upon launching the #FoodArmy hashtag, EFN has asked pickers, farmers, fishermen, packers, bakers, manufacturers and delivery guys to share their stories and help curb panic or over-buying – crucial communication at this time.

Now more than ever, digital attention is at an all-time high and many of your competitors will be pausing their campaigns. You have the opportunity to reinforce your place in hearts and minds now.  Be mindful to keep listening, learning and ensure that timeliness & relevance.


Emma Craigie - 06/04/20

"Working with TAP is like working with a trusted partner. It is very easy due to the involvement they have in projects that goes beyond what is expected."

David Sanchez, Product Manager, ADAMA Iberia
